At Scalawag, we value the abolitionist narrativizing, storytelling, and reporting of people in the South directly impacted by carcerality and punitive responses to "crime." We know that crime is contrived; largely defined by poverty, a society structured by deprivation, and antiblack coercive violence.

Our next initiative, led by our Politics & the People Editor-at-Large, is titled "Week of Writing: Condemned." For this project, we will publish writings exclusively from people on Death Row.

We want to see essays, poetry, art, songs, photography, etc. about personal experiences on Death Row and abolitionist analyses on capital punishment.

If you, or someone you know, are on Death Row, we want to hear from you. Incarcerated writers and/or their third-party representatives may submit pitches either by using the form below, via email to, or sent through snail mail to:

P.O. Box 129
Durham, North Carolina