Hurricane Ida made landfall in Louisiana on Sunday as a Category 4 hurricane with maximum sustained winds of 150 mph. The full extent of the storm's damage is yet to be seen as rescuers continue to clear roadways and navigate debris. Ida, now a tropical storm, is expected to bring flooding to southern Mississippi and coastal communities in Alabama. Parts of Florida and central Mississippi could experience heavy rainfall as well. 

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As of Monday afternoon, more than a million homes in Louisiana are without power, including all of Orleans Parish. As we learned during Katrina's aftermath, a lot of folks will throw around the word resiliency "when they have no idea what it really takes to live in a community." We still don't yet know the full scope of wreckage from this storm, but we certainly know that recovery and community will require solidarity.

If you've got resources to give, or are looking for support right now, we hope you'll find what you need here—or inspiration for what you can start at home. This list is by no means comprehensive; If you know about projects that should be included, email us: or send us a Twitter message: @scalawagmag.

A note: some of the resources we've shared here contain personal information. Please respect peoples' privacy, and if the document we've linked to has specific instructions, do follow them.

These organizations are offering on-the-ground relief to Gulf Coasters in Louisiana and Mississippi: 

Across the Gulf Coast:

